Saturday, November 1, 2008

What Elly would look like with Hair!

We went to Walmart today and Ryan thought it was fun to put wigs on Elly, she was so cute! He thought it was so fun that he bought her a wig! Here's a picture of t!


Wendy Jo said...

Aww! she is so cute, I was going through the pictures of you guys and you looked a lot like elly!
I love you guys alot and will be there in like 6 months.

Crystal Taylor said...

Don't rush Elly having hair just enjoy not having to worry about doing it before church or everyday! Just enjoy you it only take 5 seconds now but wait till your chasing her around the house just trying to get a pony in while she is screaming at the top of her lungs....that never happens at our house lol!

Genessa said...

I love the hair it is sooo beautiful. Looks like you guys had a great Halloween. Love all the costumes.