Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mary Kay Makeovers

So since I have started this whole BLOG thing, I have found that some of my friends have been doing this for a long time. WOW! I guess I'm a little late to the game. Oh well...Better Late than never. I have gotten blog links to my friends and have seen some of the things that they have written, (pretty hilarious I might add) there was a blog from my good friend and past Ricks college roomate, Jamie who talks about this Mary Kay Makeover that we got roped into. She mentions in it that she thinks there might have been a BEFORE picture somewhere, well here it it!!! I happen to have it. I have copied Jamie's story cause she tells it so much better than I could.

left to right: Rosemay, Britton, and me. Notice the dramatic color contrast from neck to face.

Here it goes:

Okay, this is Fall 1999 in Rexburg, Idaho. Rosemay was at the grocery store when this lady from Georgia walks up to her and says, "oh ma gawsh! You have to let me give you a makeover. I'm a Mary Kay consultant and I just love yer face!" Rosemay doesn't know whether or not to be flattered or insulted by someone wanting to give her a makeover, so she reluctantly consents and told her she could come over to our apartment. Of course, she forces me and Britton to do it with her. Mary Kay just doesn't work for me. The product or the parties. So this lady comes over and gushes about how beautiful we all are and proceeds to give us bad makeup advice. Maybe it was the bad lighting in our basement apartment, but she gave us bright red lipstick and really light foundation and we ended up looking like a Geisha. Doesn't even look good for almost 10 years ago. Not even close. So then she wants to take our pictures to enter us into a makeover contest where we could win a cruise and other things like that. This picutre is us politely letting her take our pictures, but we were laughing so hard that our eyes were squinting and our faces hurt. She probably thought we were laughing because we were having so much fun girl bonding. It was hilarious. Of course Rosemay looked the most decent, even though she herself ended up a lighter shade of brown. Good times. I think we have a before shot of us looking "miserable". I'll have to find that.


Jamie said...

Britton!! I've been looking for those first 2 pictures! I thought I had a before shot but I guess I didn't. THANK YOU for posting those. That was unbelievable, wasn't it?