Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Trip to the mall (Never Again!!!)

So, I told Jordan that since I didn't have to work on Saturday, we would go to the mall (there is a costume shop set up for Halloween) and pick out a costume. Oh my gosh...What was I thinking? Taking kids to the mall is misery. Anyways... we went with Grandma Sherrey and two cousins (Alyssa and Cole Makai). In the car everything was fine, but once we hit the parking lot, all hell broke loose. Jordan wanted everything that he couldn't have. He wanted a monkey leash like Alyssa but we didn't have one, he wanted to push Elly in the stroller, but I was afraid that he might just run her into oncoming traffic (he tends to just run away and not come back, even if you are screaming at him in sheer panic). Just to get inside the mall was a fight. I considered just leaving and going home, but I told myself, once we get inside and see the costumes, we'll be fine. YEAH RIGHT! He wanted a sword (I told him no, he wanted a creepy costume, I told him no) Each time I told him no the screeching got louder. I had to drag him out of the store and threaten him with "You are not going to get a costume if you keep this up." Eventually he stopped, but only after everybody in the mall turned to look and see if I was beating my child. I might as well have. If you heard his screaming you would have thought it too.

Well we went to Old Navy, where I found just what I was looking for. We got Elly a cute little monkey outfit, cause that is what she reminds me of. We got Jordan a Dragon, he loved it. We were headed to the checkout stand when Jordan and Alyssa saw something which made us take a detour. A HUGE gumball machine filled with big bouncy balls (of course the one they wanted was not gonna come out) Well the first quarter went in. This ball was going to be for Alyssa (she wanted the sparkly bouncy ball). Of course she didn't get that one! She got a green and white swirled ball. She was so sad. Next quarter went in... this ball was for Jordan. Guess which ball he got? Yep, the sparkly one (the one Alyssa wanted). Oh boy! After some coercing we got Jordan to trade with her. He wanted a different ball anyway. Well, the last quarter went in, this time it was for Elly. Out came another swirly ball, not what Jordan wanted, but we got him to walk to the cash register to pay for the costumes with a bit of a smile on his face, that is until it was time to leave. I paid for the costumes and was about ready to leave when I heard an all to familiar cry. "I need to pay for my Ball!!" "Jordan you already paid for it" I said. Still screaming... " need to pay for my ball, I didn't pay for my ball". Oh jeez, what to do. I just wanted to scream. Thank goodness for a nice OLD NAVY LADY. She took the ball from him and scnned it, just to make him happy. Thank-you for nice people in Idaho. She saved my sanity.